First Saarbrücken Conference
on Foreign Language Teaching
The Conference featured the theme:
University Language Teaching -
Requirements - Trends - Characteristics
and comprised two keynote speeches and 52 section talks. Participants consisted of aound 130 university professors, lecturers and high-school teachers from 20 countries.
The following areas were dealt with:
- Language Teaching in General
- Language Teaching Methodology
- Specificity of Methods
- History of Foreign Language Learning
- Learner Demands and Expectations
- Task-based Language Learning
- Learner Motivation
- Self-Image of the Teacher
- Cross-Cultural Competences and Culture Studies
- Studies Abroad
- E-Learning
- Media and Multimedia
- The (Computer) Language Lab
- Languages for Special / Specific Purposes and their Methodology
- Job-Orientation of Diplomas
- Bilingual Programmes and their Impact on Language Learning
- Priority of English?
- French and Spanish
- Other Foreign Languages (Italian, Chinese, Japanese)
The complete conference programme can be found here.
The conference also comprised a book exhibition. (For further information, cf here.)
We cordially thank our participants for the positive feedback to the conference. This feedback represents a strong motivation for us to continue our work.
Consequently, the
Second Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching
will take place on November 8th and 9th, 2013.